whats app tricks
Whatsapp Hack ,Tricks & Whatsapp Hack Bundle
Whatsapp Hack, Tricks & Whatsapp Hack Bundle
Whatsapp Messenger is a cross platform instant messaging application. Whatsapp is certainly ‘THE’ most fashionable instant electronic messaging app for smartphones today. WhatsApp Messenger is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia, and everybody (including me) today has whatsapp installed on their smart phones.But as every piece of technology comes with a few loopholes, so did Whatsapp. So I made this whatsapp hack software/app and article from my own experience of using whatsapp.
Following are some whatsapp hacks and tricks you would want to know:
Before reading about whatsapp hack app I want to clear some Misconceptions about whatsapp hacking that I have come across in comments and on web, so please, First Read the post I wrote about Myths around WhatsApp hacks before using any of these whatsapp hacks and tricks.
* This article is for educational purpose only. We are not responsible for actions of any individual.
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1. Easiest Way to hack whatsapp app is with the Whatsapp Hack Bundle
This is the Whatsapp hack bundle that I developed recently which can be directly used to hack WhatsApp application and operate it without accessing the mobile phone of the user. I have build this for hacking whatsapp easily so please use it wisely and for good purpose.
The apps included in this package will give you all these features and various Whatsapp hacks, but as it took a lot of money to research and develop these apps so I am just taking the money which was used in the process and development of this package so that I can retrieve the cost back and use the money for further research.
I am trying to support those who are cheated or betrayed by their loved ones due to the advancement of the technology so by paying the small account you will help me in keeping this software to hack whatsapp online .
If you don’t want to pay money you can always use whatsapp hacking tricks described below in the post, but they will need more efforts and more than basic knowledge of your phone.
(screenshot and download options are available below in the post ). See comments for user experience and how much it has helped people in various ways.
Now also added option to hack Whatsapp messenger without rooting the phone
Features of this package of whatsapp hack bundle include –
– Enables to see conversion by just entering the number of the victim.
– Enables to See last seen,Profile Picture even after person has hidden it.
– Gives access to pictures, videos sent by the victim.
– Now user can use whatsapp hack without root which is the latest option added (No 4).
Latest Update
-Version 3.1 [October 25th 2015]
-Added Option to save the chat on your mobile after getting access to the chat
-Works with latest update of whatsapp
It has Various Apps –
–Whatsapp Hack Bundle (The collection app which has all the listed app as option)
Whatsapp reader (for spying, but rooting is needed)
– Whatsapp profile seen (to seen hidden whatsapp profile)
– Whatsapp hacker (whatsapp hack without rooting)
– Media Spying software (Whatsapp hack tool for pictures and videos too)
To use these whatsapp hack app there is a read me file given with the each whatsapp hacks plz read it.
(This is the most economic and easiest method to do it)
Download options
For Android
For Windows and other Operating systems
If you are not able to download anything or having download problems after you have paid the money then mail me with your query at androidweedshack@outlook.com and I will mail the tools myself.
Also Read :- Alternatives for whatsapp with better security features
2. Whatsapp hack to spy on some other account
You ready to be a spy on whatsapp?
Note :- This Whatsapp hack works if you can get access to the victim account or require Technical knowledge in applying these steps .
So if you people have observed you can’t have your whatsapp account logged in two devices at a time. Means session is given to only 1 mac address. If the MAC [Media Access Control] address of the device requesting access changes then whatsapp asks you to re-verify your account! And come on, “whatsapp people” you think Mac address can’t be spoofed.
Let’s see how to do it
– You will need to get access to victim’s phone to get the victim’s phone “MAC address + the verifying massage” which is received to verify your device. Get mac address on your android phone
Finding MAC address on a Android Phones
1. On your HOME screen, click on MENU, go to SETTINGS.
2. click on About Phone.
3. Click on Status.
And VIEW your Wi-Fi MAC address!
Finding MAC address on an Android Tablet
1. On your HOME screen, click on MENU, go to SETTINGS.
2. click on About Tablet. 3. Click on Status.
And VIEW your Wi-Fi MAC address!
iOS [iPad, i pod or iPhone Touch]
1. Click on Settings.
2. Select General -> About.
MAC address can be seen in Wi-Fi Address.
Windows Phones
Finding MAC address on a windows phone.
1. On Start, flick left to App list.
2. Tap Setting, then About, then More info.
3. MAC Address can be seen.
– As soon as the message is received Push the “MAC address” + “Verifying code” to your server or mail it your ID. That depends on your convince.
-Now after doing this you need to know Spoof your phone’s MAC address to your Victims address using this Spoof mac address tutorial in this whatsapp hacking tutorial
Iphone Users (see your jailbreaking guide)
after this Install whatsapp and type the “verify code” when it is asked. And done guys you Have Successfully completed this whatsapp hacks.
You will now get complete access to the victims whatsapp ID.. where as you can keep spying/watching your victims movements i.e 2 people – U + your victim are using the same ID from different devices.
Must Read :- How to Increase whatsapp file size limit !!
3. Whatsapp Hack to Use it without using your number !!
This whatsapp hack program works by tricking the WhatsApp Verification Servers by sending a spoofed request for an authorization code intended for an alternative phone.
1. Install Whatsapp on your device Whatsapp now starts a counter where it sends a verification message to its servers.
2. Block the message service it can be blocked by changing the message center number or pushing the phone into Airplane mode.
3. Whatsapp now offers an alternative method of verification – Choose verify through Call then don’t pick it then it will ask you for email fill in your email address. Once you click to send the SMS click cancel to terminate the call for authorization to the Whatsapp server. In newer version if it is not working Put your phone on airplane mode and try it.
4. Now You have to do SMS Spoofing
You can do it using this link For android or any other SMS spoofing application.
Check your outbox and copy the message details into the spoofer application and send the spoofed verification.
-I phone users can use this :To: +447900347295 From: +(Country code)(mobile number) —-victims Message: (your email address)
5. You will now receive messages intended for the spoofed number on your mobile device and you can communicate with people under the spoofed number and You have now became a owner of this whatsapp hack !!
4. Whatsapp hack to see someone’s whatsapp messages (EVEN IF IT HAS BEEN DELETED) !!!
This is not whatsapp hacking actually this is a whatsapp spy trick and this trick is to know the messages that has been sent or received by your victim on his or her WhatsApp (even if he or she has deleted those messages)Whatsapp store all his messages i.e. it makes a backup of messages on your phone in sd card and keeps it for 7 days so You can see someone messages through that backup using this way to spy or hack whatsapp.
Here is how to do it
-You need to get access to victim phone first and then open /sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases/
There are two types of files database
there should be 7 files of this type these are the backups of chats WhatsApp has made for the last 7 days so if someone has deleted a chat today you can use the 2 days backup before backup to restore it. -msgtore.db.crypt this is a temporary database made by whatsapp which stores the messages of the same day (this is not a backup), so even if someone deletes the messages as soon as she or he has sent the message it gets stored in this file, which means that if you can decrypt this file then you can access the messages that were sent on the same day and were deleted within 15 min or 2 min or 1 hr after they were sent and were not backed-up.
– Then copy msgstore.db.crypt into your phone or cloud either by bluetooth or other sharing technique – then first make backup of your whatsapp database by coping it in another folder then replace it with the db file you just copied from your victim phone into your whatsapp database folder.
Note:- the second file will not get recover in the whatsapp because it is not a backup file so use the second method i.e WHATSAPP XTRACT (provided it in the tutorial) for decrpyting the messages and for this whatsapp hack spy application to work.
– Then use this to recover whatsapp messages (method 1 and 3 are for file type no 1 and method 2 is for file type no 2) And you are done, you have successfully hacked whatsapp and now you can see every chat of the person even if he he or she has deleted the chat
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5. Whatsapp hack tool for Images Transfer (Troll Trick)
This is one of the most Popular trick app for whatsapp hack .. Users can Hide image inside another image using android Application name “Magiapp” or iphone application ”FhumbApp” Using this app you can send Picture in another picture in whatsapp only. Images here tell you the story how to do it with Magiapp. There is no alternative available for Windows (If you know some then please let us know by using the comment section below).
6. Whatsapp hack to Access to Profile Pics Of your Contacts or any Number on whatsapp
For security and privacy reasons, sometimes WhatsApp doesn’t allow us to download the profile pics of our contacts on whatsapp messenger. But the truth is that it automatically downloads the pictures when you click on somebody’s picture to view it!!!
These images are stored in a private folder named profile pictures which can be found here – /sdcard/WhatsApp/Profile Pictures and the image name of picture is contact number of your WhatsApp Contact. So if you want to keep that picture just copy that picture in some other folder in your SDcard, very simple right? .
If you dont want people to download your profile pic then use whatsapp+ Plus from here
Second Part Of this Series Of various apps for whatsapp hacks tool and tricks has also been posted, read it for more tricks to hack whatsapp.
If you are not a techie then go back to point number 1 and download the WhatsApp Hack bundle which will make the process a lot easier for you.
You might also want to use the Subscribe Option available on the Sidebar on right For More whatsapp hack and future updates about whatsapp and hacking tools.Also subscribe to get the newest version of whatsapp hack after each update.
There are other small whatsapp hacking tricks such as free whatsapp for lifetime or hide blue tick – If you want them just mention it in the comments or any other reason for that you want these whatsapp hacks mention it in the comment box and I will Provide it to You. Also If You want to know to how to save yourself from falling prey to whatsapp hacks post your email address with trick and I will mail it to You